Daily Devotion for January 31, 2022
I know you try to take care of everybody else & even try to be strong for them, but don’t forget about you! See, everybody got a breaking point! Realize that God didn’t build you to carry all you have, for you to miss peace in your life. Let God release every worry, stress, or issue that maybe on your mind. He will teach you how to manage your emotions, while maintaining peace & self awareness. Don’t let yourself or anybody else make you feel guilty or think that you ain’t save or sinning. Know that you’re just a person who loves deeply & really care about folks who are close to your heart. #Let God help you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 30, 2022
Some folks protect their Cash App password better than protect their anointing. Like Cash App, anybody should have access to give to you, but noone should have access to take from you. Stop assuming that everybody you meet, you can trust. Folks will use any method they can (even using religion) to get close enough to you for you to let your guards down. Let God empower you to see the unseen & let Him reveal to you the motives of what’s in their heart. God has great value in you that you must guard for the purpose in your life. Remember, every person in your circle may not be there for you, they may be there for your spiritual password. #Don’t let folks benefit off of your labor! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 29, 2022
The keys to success depends upon who you’re getting your keys from. No longer accept the keys satan gave you that always led to heartbreak, disappointments or setbacks. Know that God knows everything that’s ahead & has His best for you. So, the next time you’re trying to figure out what to do, wait & trust God. Remember, when you seek God for everything, then everything He got will be accessible to you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 28, 2022
Every door that was slammed in your face was not a denial. See, some doors close automatically after every entry, a gust of wind may blow it closed or someone may had closed it behind themselves without seeing you behind them. Don’t be so quick to get into your feelings & give up because the door ain’t open for you. Shoots! Even if it was closed on purpose, YOU PUSH IT OPEN ANYWAY! Know that the owner of the building (God Almighty) has given you ACCESS & the RIGHT to be on the other side of the door. Don’t let nothing or no one stop you from where you belong. Remember, some opportunities you walk in, while others you kick in! #God gave you the ability…. USE IT! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 27, 2022
Don’t let a moment pass without talking to God about it. Remember, when things are out of order, prayer is ALWAYS in order! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for January 26, 2022
If you wanna stop getting a losing hand, stop dealing with the devil’s deck. Every deal ain’t a good deal when you’re dealing with a crooked dealer! Remember, watch whose cards you’re playing with! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater