No matter what you pursue, always seek God 1st. God will endorse it with His Peace & Presence. If by chance you’re headed somewhere, but you feel like something’s isn’t right, you may be headed where God is ABSENT. Remember, God won’t lead you to where His Presence (or Peace) is missing! #Stay on God’s tracking system! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 27, 2022
Band-aids are for wounds, not for pain. Although you can stop the bleeding, allow God to stop the hurt! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 26, 2022
Are you someone who can’t stand seeing someone you hate? Look! They may had done you so badly that when you see them, they make your stomach hurt. But think about who it’s affecting….. YOU! They did all they could to hurt or even destroy you, but you overcame them. Although, their efforts are powerless, there’s still a purpose for your enemies. Psalm 23:5 tells us that ,”The Lord will prepare a table in the PRESENCE of our enemies!” If you are doing good & you start seeing your enemies or haters show up from out of nowhere…. GOOD! That just means that God calling your enemies, because your table is close by. Don’t let the angry of seeing your enemies make you miss seeing the table that belongs to you. #Focus on your table instead of your enemies! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 25, 2022
Today, my prayer is for God to release whatever burden you’ve been carrying over to Him. The ones you’ve picked up or the ones that folks silently placed upon you. Allow God’s anointing to saturated you, so when problems come, they will slide right off of you. No longer wait to exhale to get relief, God said, “It’s yours now!” Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 24, 2022
Some business ain’t your business, but ALL business is God’s business. Ask Him to help you to distinguish between what business involves you & which businesses you need to stay out of. When you mind your business, you can’t be blamed in other folks’ businesses. Remember, all business ain’t your responsibility, so let God handle His business in that situation! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 23, 2022
As I was praying this morning, I heard something that made me pause…. Some folks have lost trust in God! There are things that had happened that made them lose trust or question some things about God. Imagine when you pray for your loved one, but instead of getting better, they get worse; When you’re trying to live right, but it seems like your enemies are doing much better than you; When bad things happen to good people. Those are just a few things that are on our minds in our relationship with God. It may even be hard to talk about it to some folks because they 1st thing some may say is.. “You ain’t saved!” or “Don’t question God!” “Somebody must have sinned!” or You must be cursed!” When those moments happen, instead of listening to folks who gives you wrong information, God wants you to come to Him with your raw emotions & true feelings. See, those are the times that can build your relationship with God, learn more about Him, learn who you are in Him & so much more. No longer avoid Our Heavenly Father with the hard times or hard questions. The Lord promised to be with you & comfort you at all times. Use these as teachable moments in your walk with God. Remember, just keep it real with a Real God! #Gain confidence in God during conflicting times! #God really cares! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for February 22, 2022
Why are you trying to fix a problem that you know you’re gonna have to give to God anyway? Don’t mess it up anymore! Give that mess over to God & let Him do what you can’t do! #If God didn’t fix it, then it’s still broke! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater