Daily Devotion for June 4, 2023
As I was at my father’s house, I opened the door & realized it was raining & lightning. I was shocked! I didn’t hear the weather report telling us that it was going to rain nor did I hear the rain in my father’s house. As I got in my car, I saw this beautiful rainbow by my father’s house. When I drove to the other side of town, I saw tree debris & limbs everywhere. Someone told me that there was a heavy storm, thunder & lightning with alot of hail. I told them “Wow! I wasn’t in any of that bad weather, because I was at my father’s house.” In life, if you stay with The Father, although the storms will come, He is responsible to protect you in the midst of it. Don’t try to move from the Father because that’s when all hail will come out. Remember, God the Father is your Protector, your Provider & your Promise Keeper. Anything or anyone less, will leave you out in the storm! #Stay in the Father’s House! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 3, 2023
If a new job hires a new person, the job will require that person to get a physical. So, before you hire a person for a healthy relationship, check the mental, emotional & spiritual health of them. A Godly physical may expose those who aren’t qualified for your heart or time. Don’t worry about what they try to hide. There is no HIPPO law when it comes to protecting your heart, mind, joy or your peace. Seek & trust God because He has your best interest in mind. Remember, whatever satan tries to keep seal, God will reveal! #Before you accept their application, wait for the report from your Heavenly Doctor… God Almighty! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 2, 2023
As I was outside looking at the ground. I saw dirt, oil stain & trash all on the ground. Then, I saw a beautiful butterfly land. The butterfly changed the appearance of the atmosphere & my focus from the trash to the treasure of the beautiful butterfly. In life, you may have areas in your life that you considered a mess. But inspite of how folks treated you, what they said about you or how you feel about yourself, know that you’re still a candidate for God’s beauty & restoration. Know that God can send beauty in your life that could change everything (including how you see yourself). When you focus on God & His Word, then He’ll remove other folks’ Words (& opinions) out of your mind. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for June 1, 2023
Though the road ahead may look mighty rough, Jesus can treat the roads of the route you take. Remember, that same Jesus who walked on water & calmed the sea can do the same for you & me. There’s no limit on what He could do! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater