Month: June 2023

Daily Devotion for June 8, 2023

Have you noticed that when you realize that something’s missing, you’ll backtrack to see if you dropped it or left it somewhere? Well, if you realize that your closeness with God appears “missing”, backtrack by repenting & ask Him to make you aware of what (or who) you may have put above Him. No matter who you are or what you have in life, your relationship with God is TOP PRIORITY! Know that your obedience to Him is your boarding pass to get you in flight to your destination. Don’t take God for granted. Remember, if you have something or someone who will pull you from God, you may want to examine if it (or they) came from God. #Take God with you 24/7 (including weekends & holidays too). Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater


Daily Devotion for June 7, 2023

For what you’re believing God for, do you believe that He can do it? Come to the realization that God can & is more than able to do the impossible. Stop letting fear limit what God can do or want to do through you. Read what God’s Word says about that situation & let it become apart of your life. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 6, 2023

Somebody needs to hear this!
Today, take the time to ask God for clarity! You’re at the crossroads in your life where you can’t afford to mess up or miss hearing from God. It seems like you’re seeing one thing, you’re thinking another & your emotions are all over the place. Know that God doesn’t want you to be overwhelmed but to be an overcomer. Overcome any fears, any worries, or any concerns that come your way. God will tell you exactly what you need to do, but get in a place where you can hear from Him. Like a pregnant mother carrying a baby, God will deliver on His promises, now expect it! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 5, 2023

For those looking for love!
As you look for your Summer love, make sure you’re defrosted from your Winter Woos. Don’t be so quick to Spring ahead before God heals you of every debris. If you don’t want your heart to Fall apart, trust God with it & let Him guide you when it comes to love! Remember, the love God has for you can withstand every Season! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater