Month: June 2023

Daily Devotion for June 18, 2023

Happy Father’s Day!
A gift you can give your child is not child support, but support to the child & be a father who is an example of our Heavenly Father. Remember, they were made in love & it will take love to sustain them. They need love from daddy. Remember, love is action, so show them what love looks like! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 17, 2023

If they don’t contribute to you in your process, then they don’t deserve to enjoy you in your recess. Regardless if it’s dating, business or friendship, you must choose like minded folks who will put in the work (just like you). See, if you allow folks to reap from what you sowed (without them contributing anything), then you’ll always give folks permission to use you & be their convenience during your inconvenience. Choose wisely the company you keep or you’ll be held back by the company you kept. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 16, 2023

If you have an injury to your arm, you’ll put a cast or sling to protect that injury during the healing. It may require surgery, rehab or time off for rest. But either way, you’ll make sure to give that injury some attention to get it healed or prevent further damages. In life, GRIEF is an injury that affects us physically, mentally, emotionally, financially & spiritually. Like any injury, you must get it examined, monitor every aspect of your life (to see where the damages are) & seek help for it. GRIEF will affects all of us! Inspite of the many stages of GRIEF, we all handle it differently & there is no set order or time limit on handling it. Understand that GRIEF is a natural process that we MUST acknowledge to help us adjust to this new “normal” of life. Know that Jesus is here to carry us when we feel too weak to go on. It’s ok to get help or admit how you are feeling. It doesn’t mean that you lack faith nor does it make you less than child of God to admit you’re hurting, so stop trying to play tough & let God capture every tear from your eyes. Remember, God IS the God of ALL COMFORT!! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 15, 2023

May God help you to hear what is said, but also, hear what is NOT said. Know that God doesn’t want you to be blind about things. Seek Him for guidance & discernment before you make any decisions. Remember, God always exposes what the devil wants to keep hid. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 14, 2023

Sometimes the giants in our lives are big because we feed our fears while we starve our faith! When satan reminds you of your past mistakes, all your hurts, your insecurities, those guilt trips, or your regrets, he’s trying to serve you the food that feeds your fears. Turn that plate over by focusing on God’s Word, His character & the victories He had given to you in the past. Listen! And don’t let someone else’s failure be your future. Just because it didn’t work out for others, doesn’t mean it won’t work for you. If God told you to do it, that means that He already gave you the tools & the ability to finish it. Remember, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! #You can do it! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 13, 2023

Even an empty gas tank must be refilled. Don’t be eager to empty yourself to others before you know where you need to go fuel. You’re responsible to know how much you can or can’t handle. Listen! The gas level is on the driver’s side for a reason. Read your gauge, know your limits & respect your boundaries. Remember, when you take care of you, that gives God access to take care of them! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater