Today’s good leaders were yesterday’s good followers. Don’t feel like you’re wasting your time & your hard work doing what you do. Continue to be consistent & committed inspite of what it appears. Don’t let anger turn into unforgiveness to make you become like them when you become a leader. Take note (even under bad management) to know what to do & what NOT to do. Know that you’re not dealing with this for nothing. Use this time as training grounds that will help you not get comfortable in an entry level position, but to advance to become the right leader who will represent God & be fair & ethical with folks. Whichever person in authority that may be problematic (at work, family, church, etc), put them in God’s hands. Remember, focus on your part is being done unto God. Inspite of man not giving you your appreciation, God will bless you, promote you & give to you what you really deserve. #Persevere inspite of persecution! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 3, 2021
Sometimes you have to get by yourself to come to yourself! God wants to talk to you, but He doesn’t want you to bring folks with you that will distract you from listening & obeying Him. When was the last time you got quiet to seek God for yourself (& by yourself)? That’s too long! God wants you! LISTEN! GOD WANTS YOU to get somewhere QUIET for Him to talk to you & GUIDE you in your life! This is NOT an accident that you saw this message today! It was God’s purpose that He wanted you to see this today. Let today be the day that you start spending quality time with you & God alone. He knows you better than anyone & can help you with everything in your life. Know that God is approachable & wants to talk to you (directly) & wants you to talk with Him. May every insecurity, negative words, or bad thing that happened to you or whatever made you feel less than who God says that you are, leave your memory NOW, IN THE NAME OF JESUS! God is reminding you that you are NOT alone. He IS with you. May your healing process start NOW as you enjoy some quality time alone with you & our Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 2, 2021
A mother will pray for her sick baby, while a hungry wolf will prey on a fat rabbit. Don’t get excited when folks tell you that they are praying for you. You may find out too late which praying (or preying) they really doing. #LEARN TO PRAY & REACH GOD FOR YOURSELF! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 1, 2021
Stop letting the devil talk you out of what God has for you. Have you noticed it takes you forever to accept something positive, but you’re so quick to accept something negative? You have to get out of that bondage, abandonment mindset & know who you are as a child of God & your rights as His heir. Don’t you know that what you say will influence what you think & what you think will influence what you say & your outlook on life? Spend quality time speaking out loud what The Father said in His Will, so when the devil comes with his negative words, you can tell him to leave because he’s trespassing on God’s property! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater