Day: October 7, 2021

Daily Devotion for October 7, 2021

When you don’t listening to God in your relationship with Him, you may end up in a situationship with them. Be committed to God 1st & He’ll reveal who will or will not commit to you! Listen! God is NOT the author of confusion, drama or pain. If that’s in your book of LOVE, God ain’t the Author of your book. Don’t be so desperate trying to just pick up (or get picked up by) any old book to “read” when God didn’t hand it to you. He will give you one that’s READY, when He knows you’re READY TO READ. Spend this time in allowing God to help you with your verbal skills for you to know how to “read” the person He has for you. Remember, God knows alot more about LOVE than you do! Love is Fundamental! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater