Month: October 2021

Daily Devotion for October 12, 2021

A person’s words are empty when their actions ain’t full! Love is an ACTION word! That means LOVE is suppose to ACT OUT what they say, not ACT UP because of it! Actions reveal what’s in a person’s heart. So, take the time to ask God to help you look beyond folks’ words or smiles & see their true feelings about you. Don’t put your guards down because they’re telling you what you want to hear. Remember, even a parrot can tell you, “I love you!” & still don’t like you & crap on you. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 11, 2021

If you want God to say, “Job well done!”, make sure your job is done well! Remember, whatever you do, do it with all your heart & do it unto God! #Preparation for promotion! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 10, 2021

You don’t have to look far to know that you’re blessed! If you can look, YOU’RE BLESSED! Listen! It’s more than just with your physical sight, but with your spiritual sight! God blessed you beyond what you know! Take a moment to really examine all that He invested into you. Remember, your eyesight will fade but your insight won’t! #Give God your praise & obedience! He’s worth! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 9, 2021

This dropped in my spirit to tell you!
If you can physically see how to do it, then it ain’t faith. When you look in the Bible, everytime God told somebody to do something, it’s seemed crazy, because there was no evidence present to support what God wanted done. Think about Noah building an ark for a flood when they never experienced rain before, an old Abraham being told he will be a father to many when He didn’t have any children, David to fight & kill Goliath, etc. God told you what to do (in the spirit realm) & that’s what you’re gonna have to rely upon to do it…. WITHIN THE SPIRIT REALM. Sure, it may seems scary, folks may bring doubt, even fear may try to creep in, but that’s the devil’s job to bring that stuff to discourage you from doing what God birthed you to do. He knows the threat to his kingdom & the impact you’ll make within God’s kingdom, your purpose, your family & the world. If God had any doubt that you could do it, He never would’ve given it to you. Don’t judge yourself based on your past mistakes, your inexperience how folks treated you or what they said about you. See yourself as how God sees you & leave the rest of it up to Him. Spend quality time before Him for all the assurance you need, so you can do what you need to do. Remember, we got your back because God is beside you! #You shall complete what God gave you, in Jesus’ Name… AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 8, 2021

In order for God to deliver you from that place of hurt, you 1st have to admit that you want His help. Sometimes we deny our hurt or try to use all type of methods to only numb the effects, but God wants to cure the effects & cause of our hurts. You don’t have to deal with it any longer by yourself. Go to the only One that can bring you wholeness to your body, soul, & spirit. Remember, He wants to do it. #You don’t have to wait on Him; He’s waiting on you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 7, 2021

When you don’t listening to God in your relationship with Him, you may end up in a situationship with them. Be committed to God 1st & He’ll reveal who will or will not commit to you! Listen! God is NOT the author of confusion, drama or pain. If that’s in your book of LOVE, God ain’t the Author of your book. Don’t be so desperate trying to just pick up (or get picked up by) any old book to “read” when God didn’t hand it to you. He will give you one that’s READY, when He knows you’re READY TO READ. Spend this time in allowing God to help you with your verbal skills for you to know how to “read” the person He has for you. Remember, God knows alot more about LOVE than you do! Love is Fundamental! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 6, 2021

Higher ground ain’t always a physical place. Higher ground begins within your mind (& will). You have to mentally recognize where you are & where you’re headed. See, the prodigal son had it made while he was with his father. But one day, he thought he could do better on his own. He spent all he had in wild living. But when he “came to himself”, he was in a pig pin (a condition that was outside of his upbringing & destiny). Now, did he leave that pig pin in order to “get his head straight”? No! When his money was gone, his “friends left & him being in a pig pin, they were all part of his wake-up call. He had to humbled himself & go back to his father. Don’t beat yourself up if your situation looks like you’re going backwards. Use this moment to help you to “come to yourself”, repent, learn from your mistakes & go back to the Father. Thank God for the grace that God is extending to you. Remember, if the prodigal son’s father can receive & restore his son back into the royal family, our Heavenly Father can receive & restore you BACK into His royal family. #When you learn from your mistakes, it will help you to reach higher ground! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 5, 2021

Somebody needs to hear this!
Just like the earth rotates on its axis, while we are standing still, God is yet moving even if you don’t feel movement. Don’t get discouraged in your situation. I know it sees like you don’t see change, you been dealing with it for a long time & you don’t see how God can do it, but know that change will come. Keep believing, keep obeying, keep trusting & keep your expectations high that God can do it for you! #God is moving while you’re yet standing still! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater