Month: October 2021

Daily Devotion for October 18, 2021

The more you watch who you open your mouth to, the more you close who goes into your business. Everybody is NOT entitled to know your business or life. Sure, you may be excited about how things are working out good in your life & you want to share it with the world. But know that everybody ain’t celebrating or cheering for you. Some folks will only celebrate or cheer when you fall or down on your luck. Be prayerful in who you call “friend”. Allow God to show you who to accept or who to deny access to you or your business. Remember, guard your info like you guard your fine plates, only give to those who earned or deserve it. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 17, 2021

In your pursuit to find your purpose, don’t forget your pursuit of God! Remember, all that you’re looking for, all that you’ll need & all that you’ll become, are found in Him! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 16, 2021

Somebody needs to hear this right now!
Their problems don’t have to be your problem! When you try to involve yourself to help everybody with their problems, some folks will depend upon you to play Captain Savior & use you until you’re dry or dead. Before you consider doing anything for anybody, EXAMINE THEM, THEIR SITUATION & PRAY ABOUT IT! If God wants you to help them, He will give you the funds, the plan to help & the peace of mind you need. Then you’ll see positive results that will stick with them that will last. But if God does NOT want you to get involved, He will show you red flags & there will be so much stuff that He will reveal that they tried to hide. Even if you try to help them with God told you not to get involved, you will be troubled in your spirit & what you try to do won’t be enough. Listen! God doesn’t want you to go into anything blindly or be naive about. Regardless if it’s friends or church family or biological family, don’t let folks make you feel responsible to help them (especially when they’ve been disrespectful or hard-headed towards you). Don’t fall for any manipulative guilt trips or mind games they will try to do to play on your emotions (Like you call yourself a Christian or you suppose to help me AGAIN)! Remember that old saying, “Bought sense is the best say!” Some folks got to learn how to pay for their decisions without your contributions! #Defund yourself from other folks’ responsibilities! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 15, 2021

Before you say or do anything, did you pray about it? If somebody did to you what you think about doing to others, would you be cool with that? Before you execute your plan, are you at peace with it? If you already made up your mind that you’re gonna do it anyway, did you think about the full consequences from it? In life, there are many hurtful experiences or growthful opportunities that we face that may have us to make decisions that will change our courses of life. Sometimes you have to take a step back, collect your thoughts & pray before you say or do anything. See, it’s easy to make impulsive decisions based upon your emotions, but it may cause more problems for you in the long run than you realize. That’s why it’s so important to 1st pray about everything, keep your feeling out of it & even get wise counsel (from a respectable person) to see a deeper perspective about things. You want to make sure that the decisions you make will leave you without any regrets. Ask God for the guidance you need. He will give you the answers & the peace you need, but you need to wait for His response. Know that the devil wants you to be confused or feel like you’re making this decision on your on. NO! God is here in the very middle of this situation with you. He will give you your answers & the provisions you need to step out in faith. Remember, don’t be led by your feelings, be led by God’s spirit. (Disclaimer! This post is NOT promoting to stay in an abusive relationship (That devil is a lie!) Don’t use this post for a reason to stay in it! Leave! Leave! LEAVE… WITH THE QUICKNESS! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 14, 2021

Somebody needs to hear this!
Don’t feel pressured by man’s deadline when you know God’s timeline. All throughout the Bible, you’ll see how God can move quicker than a hiccup. Don’t lose hope or your expectations of God moving in the nick of time. Remember, God can make a way when it seems like there is no way. You just stay out of the way! #He’s an on time God! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for October 13, 2021

Help can’t help you if the one who hurt you is STILL WITH YOU! Remember, when God remove you from a smoky environment, don’t bring the fire along with you. #Leave the hurter with the hurt & move forward in life! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater