Month: September 2021

Daily Devotion for September 17, 2021

If you could stay away from something that would weaken your body’s immune system, then you could stay away from those things that will weaken your spiritual immune system. satan will always tempt you with something (or someone) that will pull you away from God’s plans, right before you walk into your purpose. Don’t get discouraged or impatient & settle for something (or someone) that will stop your spiritual growth. Remember, you’re too close to turn back now. Keep trusting God! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 16, 2021

Imagine a doctor giving someone you love a major surgery… Would you stop the doctor every 5 minutes during the surgery to ask him what he was doing? No! During the surgery, the doctor needs to really focus on that patient because the doctor may be against the clock to correct the issue. If the patient’s family wants an update, they must WAIT until the doctor is finished with the surgery & checking on the patient. If the doctor feels comfortable with the patient’s response to the procedure, when the doctor may visit the family personally or send word to the family by a staff member. The patient is the doctor’s top priority & anything or anyone else would be a distraction. In life, you may be asking God for an update on some issues you gave to Him. Listen! Just because you feel like God ain’t responding to your prayers, doesn’t mean He isn’t working on it. God may be at the operating table as we speak focusing on that problem. Don’t delay the surgery by distracting God. If you know God’s character, you’ll know that He’s not ignoring you. Be patient & know that God hadn’t forgotten about you! # Wait in the waiting room & let the Doctor do His job! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 15, 2021

Somebody needs to hear this!
Instead of worrying about it, pray about it! Worrying will make you focus on your inability but prayer will make you focus on God’s ability! Remember, worrying ain’t your responsibility, prayer is!!!! #What cha gonna do, worry & hold on to it or pray & release it over to God? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 14, 2021

If God can keep the sun or moon in place, He can keep you in place. Stop worrying about how you’re not going to slip up or fall back into what you were in. No matter what you dealt with or how long you dealt with it, God is a Keeper. Rely on God & His Word & take it one day at a time. Remember, when you pray for Him to give you your daily bread, He will give you all that you need & keep you from all you don’t need. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 13, 2021

The devil will fight you to make you miss who you’re becoming by looking at what you’re dealing with or what happened to you. He will present a false hopeless future to convince you to give up. But inspite of your past or what happened, God know how to use them for a great purpose in your life. Think about it, why is satan trying so badly to pressure you to give up? Because he feels the pressure from you about to walk into the knowledge of who you are in God. You never see a swimmer getting rid of all his swimwear in the winter time. Why? Because Summer is still coming. Keep fighting the good fight of faith & keep your hope in God. Remember, He didn’t birth you to not birth out what He invest into you! When you finish the work God put into you, you’ll see why satan was fight you so hard! #Don’t Feel Defeated! Feel Empowered! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 12, 2021

Everything God is, He can be that for you. When you get everything or everybody out of your way, God can send what you need your way. Remember, don’t stop trusting God! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 11, 2021

20 years ago, we woke up to a horrible terrorist attack on America. The enemies gained access into America to kill many & it changed life as we knew it. The attackers didn’t concern themselves with what race you were. As long as your were an American, you were their target. Inspite of the outside attack we dealt with, we as Americans grieved together, helped restore each other & worked together as one. Now, 20 years later, we’re looking at each other as enemies! An attack on America is now an attack in America (January 6, 2021). The in fighting & racial division are at an all time high. The moral & ethic compass of America is low. We were once respected by other countries, now they’re laughing at us or disrespecting us. If a black person feel mistreatment & screams, “Black Lives Matter!” some folks will “correct them” & say, “All Lives Matter!” But if they are wrong for saying Black Lives Matter too!”, are we wrong for saying God Bless America!” & ask God to Bless THE WORLD? (They even have a song called God Bless America). I remember as a kid in school, we said the Pledge of Allegiance, Honor the Texas Flag, prayed & respect government & all officials (Elected officials & law enforcement). If for one day, we (AS AMERICAN) can put aside differences & focus on the common theme, we can do this EVERYDAY! God has been too good to America for us to treat Him & others so badly. God’s key word is LOVE! This means treat others EQUALLY as how God sees them! Remember, our U.S. currency says, “In God We Trust!” If we really trust Him, let’s obey Him! #Matthew 22:36-40 Love thy Neighbor as Thyself!” Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 10, 2021

When you’re on God’s payroll, your labor of love is NOT in vain. If God wants you to do it, He will provide a way & give you peace about it. But if God doesn’t want you to do it, YOU BED NOT THINK ABOUT DOING IT…. YOU HEAR ME?!? Go to God about everything & wait for His response. Remember, He knows what’s best for you & knows how things (or people) will end up from the very beginning. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater