Month: September 2021

Daily Devotion for September 24, 2021

What are you waiting for? Sometimes the path to your blessings start with your 1st step. God already made a way for you, now you just need to GO GET IT! Stop stalling thinking that God is gonna do it for you. Listen! He did His part, now you got to do yours! Remember, while you’re wasting time, God is waiting on you. #Get up & do something! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 23, 2021

May God open your spiritual eyes in areas where your natural eyes are close to. Remember, just like you take care of your physical body, you MUST take care of your spiritual body. #Training & grow the REAL you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 22, 2021

The hurt you faced yesterday will be overshadowed by the healing you get today. Many things that the devil sends to kill or destroy us, somehow God uses it for our good. Now, it may not make any sense to you while you’re hurting, but keep on pressing. God promised to help us & make it make sense. satan will always try to make us give up in the midst of our hurt or grief, so we won’t see victory. But today, I speak that God will strengthen you to outlive your hurt. Everything you went through will not stop God’s purpose for your life. Tune out everything that satan is trying to offer you to think & tune in everything God told you. Remember, God didn’t bring you this far for you to not finish what He started! #You will outlive your hurt! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 21, 2021

Friends with benefits can easily become enemies with kids. If your “friend” doesn’t respect you enough to marry you, then you have to respect yourself enough to not participate in their foolishness. See, a true friend (or someone who loves you) cares about your mind, not just your behind. You can’t convert or make someone commit to you sex. Instead of focusing on how you can “please” them in the bedroom, thinking about how they don’t “please” you outside the bedroom. You already see that they’re selfish, but if you keep playing “house” & he gets you pregnant, you gonna see “your friend” stick you with taking care of that baby by yourself. Know that God invested great values within you that should NOT be handled by someone who doesn’t add or appreciate your worth. Aren’t you tired of feeling empty? It’s time to make a change. Stop immediately before a baby (or before more baby) get involved between you 2. God will sustain you until the right one comes, so you could have the love that will honor God & the love you really desire. # YEAH! I said what I said & I ain’t gonna take it back! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 20, 2021

Be careful of the info you share with (some) folks. When they ask you, “How you’re doing?” they’re more interested in, “What you’re doing?” Some folks want to know so they could discourage you, gossip or sabotage your work. Listen! Folks can’t hurt you if that don’t know your business. Stop making everybody a shareholder into your business. Remember, keep your business as private property, not public. #Learn to shut your mouth! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 19, 2021

Never get tired of encouraging yourself. That’s your responsibility! Remember, if you don’t, who will? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 18, 2021

Never underestimate the power of telling folks, “No!” It will raise your self-esteem, confidence, worth, etc. Listen! You don’t owe folks an explanation if you choose not to participate or get involved in things. You can’t help certain folks. As soon as you start helping them in their situation, you’ll end up doing everything and it will end up your headache. Don’t let folks walk over you or use the mess out of you anymore. YOU HAVE THE POWER! Use it by telling folks, “NO!” Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater