Day: September 21, 2021

Daily Devotion for September 21, 2021

Friends with benefits can easily become enemies with kids. If your “friend” doesn’t respect you enough to marry you, then you have to respect yourself enough to not participate in their foolishness. See, a true friend (or someone who loves you) cares about your mind, not just your behind. You can’t convert or make someone commit to you sex. Instead of focusing on how you can “please” them in the bedroom, thinking about how they don’t “please” you outside the bedroom. You already see that they’re selfish, but if you keep playing “house” & he gets you pregnant, you gonna see “your friend” stick you with taking care of that baby by yourself. Know that God invested great values within you that should NOT be handled by someone who doesn’t add or appreciate your worth. Aren’t you tired of feeling empty? It’s time to make a change. Stop immediately before a baby (or before more baby) get involved between you 2. God will sustain you until the right one comes, so you could have the love that will honor God & the love you really desire. # YEAH! I said what I said & I ain’t gonna take it back! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater