Month: April 2021

Daily Devotion for April 24, 2021

Never go back to something too painful to look back at. See, an old scare may heal & there’s no more talk about your experience, but your mind will always remember what your pain felt like when you were in it. Sure, (if you’re emotionally attached) your mind may “try to” minimize the pain you went through, but you have evidence of how painful it really was through old photos, some important stuff you lost, some unexpected stuff that was dumped on you & the folks who were with you that saw how much pain you were really in. Listen! God doesn’t deliver us from something just for nothing. This is the time in your life that you have to KNOW that God has a better life for you beyond what you had. You have to exercise everything you’ve been taught about God & put your faith into ACTION! It may be scary to step out on faith, but it’s better than stepping back into fear & drama. Let this post remind you that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Remember, you never have to fear your future when God is in control of your PRESENT! #May God Order Your Steps! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for April 23, 2021

Sometimes you got to get by yourself to hear from God for yourself. Although some folks may give you advice or even say, “God told them to tell you “something.”, God wants to tell you something directly from Him. Why do you think you’ve been waking up in the middle of the night or you can’t sleep at all? Well, sometimes you be too busy during the day or you got distractions all around you. So, the only time He could get you alone is, when you’re trying to sleep. Take courage in knowing that you’re loved by God so much that He wants that personal intimate time & relationship with you. Don’t let your past mistakes or people’s opinions make you think that God can’t use you or He doesn’t want you. Allow God to rebuild your confidence in realizing who you are to Him & in Him! Remember, trust & obey God for your spiritual identity! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for April 22, 2021

I know you’re trying to make a decision & don’t know what to do. The key thing to think about is….. If God ain’t in it, don’t be apart of it. The devil wants to pressure you to make a wrong decision that you’ll end up regretting. But God is having you to take a step back to see the BIG picture to see EVERYTHING He wants you to know. Regardless if it about relationships, business or somebody want you to do a favor, don’t make a decision until you’ve prayed about it & God responded back to you. Remember, if you don’t have the peace of God about it, that may not be the right thing (or person) for you! #Let God Guide You, Then You Won’t Go Wrong. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for April 21, 2021

Sometimes discouragement comes right when you make up your mind to do what God wants you to do. See, satan doesn’t care about you having knowledge. But when you make up your mind to APPLY (or Put into Action) what you know, then the devil will throw everything & everybody at you to try to change your mind. Take courage in knowing that you’re the right person on the right path. May God give you the strength to do it inspite of what may come or who may go. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for April 18, 2021

Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean that God can’t do it. Sometimes we give up because we don’t see it on stage, but God may be working behind the curtain. Ask God to help you to trust Him & give you the patience to wait until the show is completely over. Remember, right when you thought everything was over, God may show up & fix it in the ENCORE! #Remain Seat! #It Ain’t Over! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for April 17, 2021

The more of an item there is, the less valuable is it. Rare items are one of a kind, carries great value & is handled with great care. Don’t try to copy other people & be the unique person that God made you to be. Remember, copy & paste method is only good on computers, not your purpose! #Be Happy with You! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for April 16, 2021

Never allow someone to make you drop out of the school of learning YOURSELF. You are a continual education program, not a crash course. Be careful of those with ill motives because the devil will send folks that will pressure you to skip class, miss turning in your assignments or keep you up all night that you wake up late for school. Know that God will never send someone that will pull you away from yourself, your (true) friends, family or Himself. Rely upon the spirit of God & His Holy text book to help you to choose folks that He authorizes. Stop avoiding the opportunity to know someone He invested great stocks in… YOU! Remember, you’re always there for others, just make sure you don’t forget about yourself! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater