Day: April 23, 2021

Daily Devotion for April 23, 2021

Sometimes you got to get by yourself to hear from God for yourself. Although some folks may give you advice or even say, “God told them to tell you “something.”, God wants to tell you something directly from Him. Why do you think you’ve been waking up in the middle of the night or you can’t sleep at all? Well, sometimes you be too busy during the day or you got distractions all around you. So, the only time He could get you alone is, when you’re trying to sleep. Take courage in knowing that you’re loved by God so much that He wants that personal intimate time & relationship with you. Don’t let your past mistakes or people’s opinions make you think that God can’t use you or He doesn’t want you. Allow God to rebuild your confidence in realizing who you are to Him & in Him! Remember, trust & obey God for your spiritual identity! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater