Daily Devotion for April 24, 2021

Never go back to something too painful to look back at. See, an old scare may heal & there’s no more talk about your experience, but your mind will always remember what your pain felt like when you were in it. Sure, (if you’re emotionally attached) your mind may “try to” minimize the pain you went through, but you have evidence of how painful it really was through old photos, some important stuff you lost, some unexpected stuff that was dumped on you & the folks who were with you that saw how much pain you were really in. Listen! God doesn’t deliver us from something just for nothing. This is the time in your life that you have to KNOW that God has a better life for you beyond what you had. You have to exercise everything you’ve been taught about God & put your faith into ACTION! It may be scary to step out on faith, but it’s better than stepping back into fear & drama. Let this post remind you that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Remember, you never have to fear your future when God is in control of your PRESENT! #May God Order Your Steps! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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