Month: October 2024

Daily Devotion for Thursday October 3, 2024

Somebody needs to hear this!
To prevent folks words to have an affect on you, you have to remember why you’re griding in the 1st place. You got responsibilities, goals & a deadline you’re trying to meet that you don’t have time to stop or respond to foolishness. Yes! You may be disappointed, but that doesn’t give you permission to abandon your assignment. You have to let God take the wheel & allow Him to do the driving when you’re too weak or too hurt to continue. Know that you’re on the right path if this message is refueling you. Remember, if you can hear the noise of others, press on your gas even more! #Let your actions speak LOUDER than their words! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for Wednesday October 2, 2024

Like an animal that sheds its old skin, may God shed the old habits, old addictions, or old hurt that’s attached to you! No matter how long you’ve had it or how many layers you had on, they will fall off. Remind yourself, “That’s not me anymore!” Thank God for your new skin, new growth & new identity. In Jesus’ Name, Amen! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for Tuesday October 1, 2024

Somebody needs to hear this!
Instead of waiting for Sunday to hear a word, get your Bible, go to the mirror & preach to yourself. Don’t allow the spirit of depression, defeat, worry, stress, fear or negative thoughts take control of your mind. Yeah, I know you’re looking to hear something from other folks, but God may have you by yourself to deal with yourself. Be transparent with God & with that person in your mirror, & let Him give you a Word from on High that will make you shout (even if you’re by yourself). #Give a Word to yourself! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater