Daily Devotion for March 6, 2023
Somebody needs to hear this!
Somebody care about you more than you’ll know. Don’t ever think you’re not important or you don’t matter to anyone. I know you’re used to isolating yourself from everybody & it “seems” like the solution to your problems, but it’s only leading you to depression, feelings of hopelessness & importantly detaching you from folks who love you. Take advantage of everything God has created for you to be reminded of how blessed you are & how much of a blessing you are. Let this day be the day you get out of hiding & allow yourself to be seen by the world! #Be seen by The Son! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 5, 2023
An issue is NOT a problem if you have access to the Problem Solver! Stop trying to deal when you can fold! Remember, Jesus has the ace, you don’t! Let Him handle it! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 4, 2023
If your focus was currency, you can’t afford to worry about other folks’ lives. You have just enough time to pay attention into your own business without going bankrupt for tomorrow. Use your time wisely to focus on you & the things God want you to do & stop trying to be Captain Savior to folks! Some folks don’t “need” your help. They just want you to do EVERYTHING for them, while depriving you from handling your own life. Take inventory of what you have & do right by it. Remember, being a good steward is NOT just about money. It’s your time, skills, advice & attention! #Handle your business & stay out of other folks’ business! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 3, 2023
To get to where you want to go, you have to believe beyond any unbelief! Never be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. If you have been obedient & committed to what God has given you, that gives God access to come in to help you to your goals. No longer allow fear to stop you from pursuing your purpose. Remember, you can’t grow if you don’t GO! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 2, 2023
Somebody needs to hear this!
You will overcome this DEPRESSION! I don’t care what happened to cause it or how long you’ve been dealing with it, you WILL be VICTORIOUS OVER THIS THING!! This is NOT permanent! satan wants you to think you’ll never get over it, so you can give up hope. THAT DEVIL IS A LIE! God didn’t get you up (every morning) just to be beaten down everyday. There is more to life than what you’re dealing with & God will help you to see better days!! #Keep pressing from Depression! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 1, 2023
If your child asked you for gasoline so they could drink it, would you give it to them? No matter if they repeatedly ask you or they throw a temper tantrum on the floor, after you snatch them up & give them a Natchez, Mississippi whooping, you still wouldn’t give them no freaking gasoline. You understand that what they want would harm them. You would withhold what they’re asking for because you love them & you know what’s best for them. Well, if a loving parent would withhold something harmful from their begging child, why would we get mad when something is withheld from us by our Heavenly Father? God knows everything (& everybody), & wouldn’t give us anything (or anybody) who would harm us or pull us from Him. Let’s be grateful for those “unanswered” prayer requests. Remember, God must have known something that we were too blind to see. #Thank God when He says NO! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater