No band aid can cover a bleeding heart, but Jesus can. His hands can not only stop the bleeding, but heal the wounds, erase the scars & treat the trauma, all at the same time. No longer deal with what you dealt with by yourself. Jesus wants to help you, but will you let Him? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 14, 2023
Somebody needs to hear this!
If folks left you or don’t fellowship with you anymore, don’t feel bad. God may have you isolated for a reason. Know that satan wants you to take it personal & feel a “certain way” because folks left, but where you’re at in your life… That maybe what you need! See, when you’re by yourself, that’s when God can (physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually) detox you from some things (or folks), give you clarity, bring you revelation, & give you healing & closure for peace in your life. Listen! You can’t afford to be manipulated or distracted you now. Use this season for growth & maturity by God Almighty! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 13, 2023
The wrong relationship was meant to destroy your desire, focus & pursuit of the right relationship in your life. Don’t punish the right person for the wrong one’s crime. God can heal you of any hurt or guilt & renew you as if you’ve never been hurt. Remember, although the wrong one gave you pain, the one God has for you has been praying for you BEFORE he met you! #Love is still alive! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 12, 2023
Somebody needs to hear this!
Ask God for wisdom about that situation & do that! #Enough said! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion March 11, 2023
In order for God to guard your mind, you need to learn how to mind your business. Stop letting folks & their problems get to you. What makes you think that you can fix their problems when you barely can handle yours? Ask God to give you peace during this process. Remember, if you can trust God with your soul, you can trust Him as the Solution to your problem & theirs! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 10, 2023
When life gives you lemons, ask God for a stand. Stand & let God make your pain profitable! Remember, what the devil meant for evil, God will turn it for your good. #Keep your stand & let God do it! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 9, 2023
If God would fix a hole in your pocket before He put money in it, He could do the same with your life. Don’t think that God doesn’t love you or He’s ignoring your prayers because you don’t have what you want. Remember, God has to repair you before He releases to you. #Jesus will fix it, but 1st… He’ll fix you. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 8, 2023
Just because it’s dark (in your life) doesn’t mean that Jesus doesn’t have night vision. Remember, The Son doesn’t need the sun to come to your rescue. #Hold on! Don’t give up! #Help is on the way! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for March 7, 2023
God’s bite is much stronger than the devil’s roar. Don’t allow what you’re dealing with prevent you from praising & worshipping God. Your faith & trust will increase because your focus is on God. Remember, when you access into praise & worship in your storm, God gets access in your storm to deal with it. #That ain’t my problem, that’s God’s problem! #Worship in the rain. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater