Month: September 2020

Daily Devotion for September 30, 2020

May God help you to know the difference between fighting for what’s rightfully yours versus wasting your time & energy something (or someone) that God didn’t approve of! Know that just as much God wants to bless you, the devil wants to curse you & derail you from what (or who) God has for you or the direction God wants to take you. Examine how you feel in your soul (your gut area below your naval). If you’re feeling troubled or uneasy about it, God is letting you know that this is not from Him. What (or who) God gives you have a Godly peace about it. Fast, pray & allow God to reveal what was sent by Him or made by man. Remember, if you don’t have the peace of God with it, then you don’t need to deal with it (or them). Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 29, 2020

There are things that can hit you so hard that it leave you numb, speechless, in tears, angry or even questioning your faith. Know that those are NATURAL RESPONSES! God wants you to be honest with Him & yourself on how you’re feeling in this moment. But inspite of what happened, there is life after your hurt! Some way, some how, God will get you through this. You may not see how you’re going to make it, but they ain’t your responsibility to figure it out, IT’S GOD’S! Know that just because problems appear, doesn’t mean that God disappeared. Spend time in prayer & in His Word. Allow Him to hold you in His Arms & comfort you during your storms. Remember He promised to be with you through it all. #God is Reliable! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 28, 2020

The most prolific, inspiring or anointed words you’ll hear about your situation, is the advice you give to others. Sometimes God will send someone with the same problem for Him to speak through you to help the both of you. Start listening to what you tell folks, because your breakthrough is out of your own mouth! #Speak Life for Them & You! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 27, 2020

Never make a decision without going to God & waiting for His response. If someone tries to make you give an immediate answer without consulting God, don’t do it (nor you shouldn’t deal with that person either.) See, satan doesn’t want all the details exposed to you, so he’ll send someone to pressure you to do something BEFORE God exposes everything to you. But the things or people of God are forthcoming, full disclosure, transparent about things & will not force things against your will. Luke 18:1 says we are to ALWAYS pray (consult) God about EVERYTHING. If you want to avoid dealing with the consequences of bad decisions, go you God 1st. Remember, if He says, “No!” to it, that means He got what (or who) He has your on the way! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 26, 2020

The more you delay things the more satan will use the opportunity to make you fear to do it! Don’t let the devil place a U-turn sign where God has given you a green light to do it! Go in the strength of God & praise Him for the outcome! #God Did NOT Give You the Spirit of Fear! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 24. 2020

Never deny yourself of a break or rest. You can stay busy with tasks or responsibilities, but if your physical, mentally or even spiritually drained, then you’re no good for anyone. Think about a computer, you turn it off for it to reboot or update. The same thing is true with your mind. Some folks are weighed down because of old (mental) data & it’s affecting their thinking, their heath or their attitude. Ask God to help you to receive help when needed & delegate responsibilities to responsible folks! Don’t allow yourself to breakdown or burn out. You may not see it, but those around you may notice the change(s) in you. Don’t feel guilt if this message hits you because it could happen to anyone (even Christians or ministers too). No longer have a life where you’re just going through the motions & start enjoying some you! Remember, even Superman took off his cape sometimes! #Get Better Balance in Your Life! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater