Month: July 2020

Daily Devotion for July 12, 2020

If God has the last say, why are you still running your mouth? Sometimes the problems we’re waiting on God to fix, He’s actually waiting on us to leave it alone, so He could handle it. No longer give it to God but keep the keys to it. When you leave it in His possession, leave it all & let Him call you when He’s finished with it! #Are you in the way? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 11, 2020

When a mistake can teach you, then forgiveness can reach you. Stop allowing self guilt to blind you from the steps of healing. Listen! Don’t let the devil make you feel like you CAN’T live beyond your mistakes or your past. No matter how tough your situation is, let God come in & help. The person you can be tomorrow can’t come unless you free the person you were yesterday. No longer hold yourself a prisoner of your past when Jesus paid your bail. Remember, His story can cover your story for His glory! #Self love requires self forgiveness! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 10, 2020

What’s assigned to you ain’t designed for somebody else! Stop stressing or worrying about folks get their blessings before you. In due time, you’ll get yours if you don’t give up! Remember, what God has for you is for you, not for Y’ALL! #God has not forgotten about you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 8, 2020

Never hold your head down because folks put you down. There will always be folks who are jealous, gossip or simply don’t like you JUST BECAUSE! Listen! That ain’t your problem, IT’S THEIRS! Yes, they can throw up your past to your face, but why beat yourself up when you asked God & others to forgive you? Hold your head up, stop feeling guilty & thank God for who you are instead of who you were. Remember, God can change the narrative if you stop being ashamed of your story. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater