Daily Devotion for July 25, 2016

If you’re thirsty, would you expect clean water from a dirty cup? Once the clean water comes in contact with the dirty cup, the water become contaminated & is no longer clean, but dirty. Well, you can’t expect someone who has cheated on you, mistreated you, disrespect you & lied to you throughout the relationship to be honest & tell you what went wrong in the relationship or why they behaved that way. If you still have question or still confused, allow their actions to be your answer. PRAY & ask God to help you come to terms with everything. Don’t rely on your ex to be truthful about anything. Think about it, if they didn’t have integrity in their actions, they won’t have integrity in their words. That’s the time you must talk to God to close the wounds of your opened heart. God can give you the step by step process you need to do to allow this to be a learning experience to grow & prevent this from happening again. Allow God to REVEAL so you can begin to HEAL!

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