Daily Devotion for February 6, 2020

That individual problem you want to deal with by yourself, maybe that group problem God wants you to seek for help. See, NOT EVERYONE IS OUT TO HURT OR USE YOU! Sure, you have trust issues, because some people used you, left you, etc, but look at who they were. People will naturally show you who they REALLY are if you don’t rush the process. Sure, you were nice to them & you were there for them, but that does NOT mean that they will give that same courtesy back. Don’t let pride cause your heart to shut out REAL people who care for you during your time of need. Don’t look for the loudest one with the big audience. God may use that very loner who says so little to let their actions to say SO MUCH! #Don‘t Refuse Your HEAVEN-SENT Helper! #You are NOT Alone! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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