Daily Devotion for December 11, 2019

Just like cleaning a glass before putting your beverage in, before you ask God for something, ask Him to help you be responsible for what you already have. See, some prayers are not answered because you may mismanage what you already have. God made you the steward (manager) of what you have & you’re closely being evaluated to see if He could TRUST you with it. Think about it, a business grows under good management & God wants you to handle where you’re at so you could be qualified for PROMOTION! But the PROMOTION is NOT just based upon your skills or knowledge, but also with your ATTITUDE! So, if you want a higher position at work, have you excelled in your current position? If you want more money, can you budget what you already have? If you’re praying for a relationship, have you managed your singleness? Remember, you must be FAITHFUL over a FEW things before God places you MANAGER over the MASSES. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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