Month: November 2022

Daily Devotion for November 30, 2022

For those who are dating or waiting for love!
Being in a relationship with the wrong person is like leaving the house and feeling like something’s missing but don’t know what it is. Aren’t you tired of settling for less than who God has for you? Yeah! I know you’ll said that you’d rather stay with the wrong one you know than to start all over again with someone else. Think about this, what if that person you’re holding on to is the reason why God is withholding your blessings? What if they would sabotage or contaminate everything that God has for you? Understand that if you’re willing to remove yourself from the wrong one, it frees you for God to send the right one. Allow God to heal you of all residue from past hurts, bad experiences, negative words, toxic relationship, & soul ties. He will give you the patience to wait until He releases the right one & for you to receive peace & confirmation for you to recognize when He sends them to you. No longer think that God ain’t interested in your love life or matters of the heart. Remember, if He’s concerned about your soul, He’s concerned about the things or folks who’ll affect your soul! #Trust The One for the one! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 29, 2022

No matter how long I’ve been on the “Battlefield for the Lord”, it’s ok to admit or acknowledge when you’re wounded! Don’t miss the healing God has for you because you’re too prideful to admit when you’re hurt or get the help you need! Remember, you’re still save, you still have faith & you’re still a soldier (in the Army of the Lord)! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 28, 2022

Somebody needs to hear this!
The problem ain’t the person who’s talking about you. The problem is who listening or entertaining it! Don’t allow the friends of your enemy become that friend of yours that distracts or pull your from your assignment that God gave you! #Stay focused even amongst friends or family! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 27, 2022

When you give your all, God says, “You have a little more left to give!” May God help those who have not discovered their hidden reserves to keep on going. Remember, He’s faithful, so stick with it! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for November 25, 2022

Years ago, one of my headlight went out on my car. I needed to have it changed, but didn’t have enough money to pay to have it fixed. I looked up the price of the bulb, saw how cheap it was, & bought it so I could fix it myself. The only problem was… I’d NEVER repaired or replaced a headlight before! I was scare like crap because I didn’t want to jack up anything. After a lot of praying & watching how to videos on Youtube, I fixed it! It gave me a sense of accomplishment to do it myself! Shoots! I was proud of myself! Lol! Well, this morning when I got in my car to turn the highlights on, I saw that the other headlight was out. Instead of being scare (like I was the 1st time), I said, “Mannn! I got this!” In life, we face many problems or challenges that tries to scare or intimidate us. But if we really look at it, not only it’s something we could handle it, it’s something God had already prepared us for or carried us through. See, when I 1st experienced my headlight out, if I had the money to get it fixed, I never would have fixed it myself & I never would have known that I had the ability to do it myself. Know that what you’re dealing with is NOT a coincidence that it’s happening now. Rely on God’s Strength & Abilities for this situation! Remember, that same God that carried you before, is MORE THAN ABLE to do it again! #You’ve been here before! YOU GOT THIS! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater