Month: June 2021

Daily Devotion for June 10, 2021

You can’t walk into your calling, when you’re running with folks who’s unplugging your phone. Watch the folks who always seem to “need you” when you’re focused on doing something. They could be a distraction to pull you away from the purpose you’re supposed to do. Ask God to help you to discern when to help, when not to & love them without overwhelming yourself with their problems. Remember, every call they give you ain’t a need or an emergency, because if you weren’t around, they’ll do it for themselves. #Don’t Inable able Bodies! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 9, 2021

People may tolerate you by your physical age, but they will RESPECT YOU based on your mentality age. Don’t allow yourself to be disrespected because of your own behavior. Remember, being grown is more than how long you’ve been alive, it’s about being MATURE! #Act Your Age, Not Your Shoe Size! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 8, 2021

Today, I speak a word that those paralyzing feelings, those anxiety flairups, those self-harming thoughts & those painful memories be released from you now. satan been preventing you from getting your rest at night, so you’d be too tired to think or function during the day. He wanted you to think that you were going to deal with it for the rest of your life, but he was WRONG. God is healing you as you read this. Don’t worry about how long you’ve been dealing with it. You look into your mirror & start speaking God’s truth into your life. Everytime satan brings up something (or somebody) to bring you down, look at it as a distraction to “try to” make you miss the person God is making you become. Start thanking God for you. Yes! Count yourself as important as others & see yourself in God’s care. Remember, God didn’t make a mistake in you reading this & He didn’t make a mistake in making you! #God Makes No Mistakes! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Pratere

Daily Devotion for June 7, 2021

Somebody needs to hear this!
Know that the work you do in Christ is NEVER in vain. Continue to do the good work inspite of little to no appreciation. Remember, if no one else notices you, God does & He will give you what you lack here on earth! #God will Supply All Your Needs! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 5, 2021

Sometimes life’s experiences can make you want to disconnect yourself from folks, from yourself or even from God. If you do, depression could come & the will to fight could soon leave. Don’t allow yourself to fall into that dark place. Now, it may even frustrate you that some folks may know what you’re going through but have not offered any support. Try (and I really mean try) not to take offense to their lack of help. Maybe they don’t know how to offer help or what to say or do, etc. Focus on 1 thing, overcoming this situation. Regardless of how bad this looks, God will carry you through this. He didn’t allow this message to reach you for nothing. Why do you think He woke you up to see another day? God is telling you that it AIN’T over for you. I pray that your support system be identified & come to your aid A.S.A.P. You are not a single soldier but part of an army of many. You are loved & we are here & praying for you. May God bring closure to this situation & remind you that He never left you at all. #Don’t Stop Fighting! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 4, 2021

A journey is only long when it’s a journey that’s never been traveled. Don’t allow the journey to intimidate you. Encourage yourself that you can do it. Remember, when God is guiding you, He will never lead you where He didn’t prepared you for! Go in the mighty strength of God! #Getting to It Because You were Born for It! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater