Day: June 8, 2021

Daily Devotion for June 8, 2021

Today, I speak a word that those paralyzing feelings, those anxiety flairups, those self-harming thoughts & those painful memories be released from you now. satan been preventing you from getting your rest at night, so you’d be too tired to think or function during the day. He wanted you to think that you were going to deal with it for the rest of your life, but he was WRONG. God is healing you as you read this. Don’t worry about how long you’ve been dealing with it. You look into your mirror & start speaking God’s truth into your life. Everytime satan brings up something (or somebody) to bring you down, look at it as a distraction to “try to” make you miss the person God is making you become. Start thanking God for you. Yes! Count yourself as important as others & see yourself in God’s care. Remember, God didn’t make a mistake in you reading this & He didn’t make a mistake in making you! #God Makes No Mistakes! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Pratere