Month: July 2021

Daily Devotion for July 31, 2021

Somebody needs to hear this!
You don’t have to leave your house, drive an hour to give a person a glass of water, when they’re sitting by a fresh water fountain. The moral of the story is… Just because a person wants your help, doesn’t mean that they NEED your help. They can become so dependent upon you doing EVERYTHING for them, that they end up doing NOTHING for themselves. Have you noticed that they can do whatever foolishness they want to do, but when it comes down to handling their business, they always “need” you? That’s because their priorities are JACKED UP (but you already told them that)! Folks will run you to the ground, walk right over you & leave you broke. Learn to start taking care of YOU! Start letting folks to depend upon God & not you. He’ll show them the abilities He put into them & not you. Stop being busy for lazy folks & start being busy for YOU! #REMEMBER THAT! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 29, 2021

In facing life’s difficulties, satan will “try to” use whatever or whomever he can to overwhelm your emotions to make you crack. But something as easy as taking a deep breath can give God ACCESS to calm you down. There’s not a problem that God will reject or refuse to help you with. Instead of mumbling about the problem, mumble to the Problem Solver that you need His help. Remember, no matter how weak you mumble, He can hear you because your words reaches His heart. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 28, 2021

God will never give you an assignment without providing some assistance. The tougher the assignment is, the stronger the strength of God is displayed. Lord! Show your power & might on today & the days to come, in Jesus’ Name…. Amen! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 26, 2021

Stop waiting by a door that God allowed to close. If God won’t force you to love Him, you shouldn’t force folks to love you. Ask Him for strength to walk & recognize the door He has open for you! Remember, who God has for you, is FOR YOU! #True love is natural, not forced! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 24, 2021

Just because a relationship ends doesn’t mean that your life ends. If the one who gave you life (God Almighty) woke you up to read this message, then He still have a purpose beyond your hurt. Listen! That breakup may had been the BEST thing that happened to you. Think about it, what if the devil wants you to be so broken up about this that he made you give up on life & love, BEFORE your true love comes. Use the time, love & attention you gave to that person & give it to YOU! Let God reintroduce you to the real you & be thankful for the lessons you learned about love. Remember, your life ain’t over & neither is the chance to have true love! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 23, 2021

Don’t let fear stop you from where FAITH is taking you. God did NOT prepare you so you could give up or be defeated. Focus on the ending result & not the process. Remember, you got this, because He got you! #Victory is ALREADY Yours! In Jesus’ Name, Amen! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 22, 2021

Before you do it or say it, ask yourself, “Will God be pleased?” Don’t put yourself in “spiritual” timeout because of foolishness! Let God handle it or He will handle you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater