Month: January 2021

Daily Devotion for January 18, 2021

Today, we celebrate the life of a man who had a dream & worked to make that dream a reality. Tomorrow, what will we celebrate about your life? Live a life that your legacy will be honored on display, not a disgrace! #What are You Doing? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 17, 2021

You have to see yourself do it before you can see yourself doing it. Ask God to reveal through your spiritual senses, then things will make sense. Remember, you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you. #It’s Easier Than You Think! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 16, 2021

Men! You can’t tell your daughter what kind of man to date when you’re living what kind of man to avoid. Men! The way you treat women shows your daughter how they should be treated (or what type of behavior you’ll accept your daughter to be treated like), the way you talk to (or talk about) women is showing your daughter how they should be spoken to. Know that you are your daughter’s greatest influence in creating her identity, self-esteem, worth & acceptance in life. Your daughter is YOUR SEED that hungers to be fed by you. Think about this… What advice would you give your daughter if she wanted to date a guy who treated women like you treat women? Regardless if you’ve never been taught how to be a man or you’ve been hurt by a woman in your past, allow God to teach & heal you from anything that’s hindering you from being the example your daughter needs. No longer feel that it’s too late to make a fresh start. Start right now! Remember, your actions speak louder & confirms your words! #Daddy’s Little Girl! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 15, 2021

It may seems like the harder you pray for someone, the worse they get, but those are the times you have to pray more for them AND PRAY FOR YOURSELF! See, satan wants to discourage you to stop praying or make you feel like pray doesn’t work. You must understand that the person you’re praying for may have layers (or years) of wrong decisions or other “stuff” they’ve been dealing with. Also, God may be dealing with them now, but they are resisting. That’s why you have to pray that God touch their mind & give them a desire to get help or do the right thing. Also, as you’re praying, pray that God gives you peace regardless if they do the right thing or not. No matter if it’s your family member, friend, etc. place in the hand of God those who are dear to the heart of you. *Disclaimer! This post is NOT concerning Domestic Violence! If you’re dealing with it, leave & get help IMMEDIATELY! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 14, 2021

If you give your all to God, then all can God give to you. So often you gave God the “safe stuff” to fix while you’ll hold on to the “hard stuff” to fix it yourself. Accept that your problems are beyond your control. If 1 Peter 5:7 told you to cast ALL your concerns upon Him, why would you want to still hold on to them? Even if you got yourself in that situation, go to God about it. Don’t let proud or shame stop you from getting the help you need & the peace you desire. No longer feel that you have to deal with your problems alone. Remember, never hold back from the One who has your back… Jesus Christ, Our Lord! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 13, 2021

Somebody Needs to Hear This!
The person you choose to date will either compliment you or complicate you! Understand that everybody that you love ain’t fit for your purpose. Allow God to reveal who they really are & to see if you two are compatible or not. Know that God is very concern about your love life. Remember, if God didn’t send them, you don’t need them! #The Blessings of God Gives Riches & Adds No Sorrow (Pain or Drama) (Proverbs 10:22). #God is Not the Author of Confusion (1 Cor 14:33). Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 12, 2021

No matter what you’re in or how long you’re been dealing with it (or them), as long as Jesus is on the Throne…. He is your way out! See, satan wants you to feel stuck in your situation. He wants to pressure you to feel like everything is hopeless or that things will never change for you. Ultimately, he’s trying to make you give up on your faith, give up on God or give up on life. That devil is a liar! You will NOT die where you’re at, but LIVE! Today, I speak LIFE to you! I speak that God reveals Himself to you to help you to overcome whatever or whoever you’re dealing with. Inspite of your test, you will have a TESTIMONY! Claim it RIGHT NOW, in Jesus Name, AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for January 11, 2021

We often hear the words, “Treat others like you want to be treated!”, but sadly, many folks don’t know how to treat themselves nor how they should be treated. Some folks have allowed themselves to mistreat & they feel like they have to take it. Regardless if you had a horrible past, you grew up in a negative environment, or you deal with low esteem, if you won’t allow yourself to be treated right for yourself, allow it for the Christ in you & for the people who really love you. You have to learn your identity & how precious you are in the eyesight of God. Stop beating yourself up or putting yourself down for NO REASON AT ALL! Just like how you forgive folks or give them grace, give yourself the same grace (or allowance) you give others. Release whatever it is your punishing yourself with to God & give yourself a break! Allow God to give you His Treatment for your Mistreatment! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater