You can’t allow your past to make you give up on your present. Listen! We all have made decisions that we regret, but the key rules are to learn from them, don’t repeat them & by all means… FORGIVE YOURSELF!!! You may settle for less because you feel like it’s better than having nothing, you can’t do better, or you’re punishing yourself to remove the guilt of your mistakes. Receive God’s forgiveness, raise your expectations & see who you are through His eyes, not yours. Don’t allow your past to define your identity or make you think that God doesn’t still have a great purpose for you! Remember, if God didn’t bring up your past, why are you? #You May Doubt Your Decisions, but Don’t Doubt Your Worth! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
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Daily Devotion for October 11, 2020
Somebody NEEDS to Hear this!
The hardest battle that you’ll have is giving your battles to God. Sure, revenge may seems “sweet”, but like a sugar rush, you’ll soon crash & feel guilty because that’s NOT your character or upbringing. Know that the devil will use anybody at the time you’re towards your goal to distract you! Give it to God & let Him deal with them. Remember, your purpose is too important to stop over foolishness! #Don’t Miss Your Blessings Over Foolish Folks, Evil Folks, or Kin Folks! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 10, 2020
If you get into a car with a person who has no planned destination, then why would you get into a relationship with a person with no plans for commitment (ultimately marriage)? Set boundaries & stick with them! If they won’t honor or respect it, then accept that they may not be the one for you. Let God reveal the person’s true motives, so you won’t waste your time (or heart). Remember, look for your relationship to go somewhere other than the bedroom! #Don’t Compromise Your Prize! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 9, 2020
Somebody needs to hear this!
If you’re waiting on a WORD from God today, examine if you obeyed the WORD He gave you yesterday. Often times, the key to your blessings or prayers being answered are linked to something God already to you to do but you’re failing to do it. Know that your obedience to God will open every path that God has for you. No longer be your own worse enemy & block your own blessings by ignoring what God told you to do (or not to do). Start trusting everything from God then He’ll trust you with everything! #Do What You Were Told! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 8, 2020
No matter how you push or hold a ballon in water, as long as air is in it, it will rise up. Know that God made you greater than a ballon. Listen! Not only you have air, but you have His spirit living in you. Don’t allow your circumstances to make you forget that God never let you down in the past & He won’t do it now. Remember, no matter how the pressures of life may try to drown you, God had ALREADY given you the ability to RISE UP! #Trust God’s Flotation Device! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night Time Devotion for October 7, 2020
There is someone who is worrying instead of sleeping. Depression is clouding their minds and making them not want to wake up in the morning. Know that THE BRIGHTER DAY will come IF you don’t give up THIS DAY! It will not always be like this! Remember, the SAME God take brought you over last time, will get you over this time! Speak God’s Word over your situation & your mind! May God give you rest & wake you up to a new day & a new perspective because- You WILL outlast your storm! #Yes! I’m Talking to You! Be blessed & goodnight! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 7, 2020
God can do more than what you’re expecting Him to do. See, if you want your limits of God’s abilities removed, remove the limits off of your prayers, praise, obedience & time with God! Stop living beneath God’s plans for your life. Remember, when you shortchange God of you, you shortchange yourself of God! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for October 6, 2020
Don’t let your loss of confidence in folks make you lose confidence in God. See, God never lied to you, He never abandoned you, never mistreated or used you…. THAT WAS PEOPLE! True, you may have your expectations high on some folks because of the position or title, but you can’t let those things make you automatically give them your trust or let your guards down. Allow God to heal you of all hurts & help you to discern a person’s true character or motive. Don’t beat yourself up because you trusted the wrong person. Remember, if you want to stop being disappointed, don’t treat God like man but don’t treat man like God! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater