Day: October 12, 2020

Daily Devotion for October 12, 2020

You can’t allow your past to make you give up on your present. Listen! We all have made decisions that we regret, but the key rules are to learn from them, don’t repeat them & by all means… FORGIVE YOURSELF!!! You may settle for less because you feel like it’s better than having nothing, you can’t do better, or you’re punishing yourself to remove the guilt of your mistakes. Receive God’s forgiveness, raise your expectations & see who you are through His eyes, not yours. Don’t allow your past to define your identity or make you think that God doesn’t still have a great purpose for you! Remember, if God didn’t bring up your past, why are you? #You May Doubt Your Decisions, but Don’t Doubt Your Worth! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater