Daily Devotion for October 28, 2020

When you go into a fitting room of a store, you’ll notice 2 things: There will be a mirror for you to see how you look & the fitting room has just enough room for you. If anyone wants to see how you look (with that outfit on), they need to wait outside the fitting room because they’ll distract or prevent you from changing. In life, you may feel alone, folks leave you or nobody wants to deal with you, know that God has you in His fitting room to change your life. Don’t focus on who ain’t with you when God has you. Everybody don’t need to see or know your process. See, some folks are waiting for you to fail, so they can celebrate & talk about you. But God (in His wisdom) made the dressing room with just enough size for Him & you to fit in! Don’t be so anxious to be with folks when God ain’t through dressing you. Let God give you the patience you need during your process. Remember, everybody ain’t fit for your new outfit! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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