Daily Devotion for November 9, 2018
When someone is arguing with you, your emotions may want you to lash out or say something hurtful because they said something hurtful. But would that solve anything? NO! Those are the times when you have to look beyond their words or your emotions & rely upon God in that situation. See, the devil loves confusion & conflicts (especially amongst Christians). He will use any conversation to create an argument, then when hurtful words are involved, the argument shifts from the original topic into a loud heated shouting match. Listen! The devil (not the individual) is the Author of confusion! Be sensitive to the voice of God when you’re dealing with someone who is too busy arguing to you but not listening to you. Allow God to set the scene & timing for your words to be said & received by the other person. Don’t miss your blessings by trying to retaliate with your words. Let God handle it! Remember, when your emotions (feelings) tell you to “LET THEM HAVE IT or SAY IT!”, listen to God’s voice because He may be telling YOU to “SHUT UP!” Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater