Daily Devotion for March 16, 2021

Instead of listening to the devil to depress you, tell yourself what God expressed about you to bless you.
Romans 8:37-You’re more than a conqueror…
Psalms 17:8- You’re the apple of His eye…
Psalms 139:14- You are fearfully & wonderfully made.
Romans 5:8 God demonstrated his own love for you, while you were yet a sinner…
John 15:15-16 Jesus calls you friend…
1 Peter 2:9- You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of God’s own poss possession.
Inspite of what folks said to you or what’s going on in your life, hold your head up because… YOU’RE SOMEBODY IMPORTANT IN JESUS CHRIST! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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