Daily Devotion for June 19, 2019

I know you’re praying for patience but you’re not going to learn patience while everything is going well. NO! Your patience will be recieved in the middle of this problem you’re facing now or “that person” who’s really testing your last good nerve. See, God is showing you how to handle it but you’re letting your emotions get to you. Listen! If you’re babysitting & the baby dirties a diaper & you have to change it, does that mean that the baby hates you? No! That’s the baby’s nature. The same thing applies to this situation. Don’t try to run from or avoid it. If you do, it (or they) will come back in a more difficult time. When you stop taking things (or people’s behavior) personal & do what is right (REGARDLESS), then you’ll receive peace & your patience will be revealed! Remember, don’t handle it in your own ability. Let God help you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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