Daily Devotion for July 30, 2019

Have you ever been in the presence of someone & when they leave, you still smell their cologne or perfume? The next time you smell that fragrance, it’s going to remind you of the original person. If a person can leave a memory with you with their cologne or perfume, imagine the impression they can leave with their spirit. See, humans are more than physical beings, we are 1st SPIRITUAL BEINGS. You MUST be aware of the spirit of a person that you date, befriending or associate with. Think about this: When you allow a person into your inner circle, are they changing the atmosphere into something Godly or something wicked? Remember, the people you choose in your life not only influences you but they define your character & choices you make. As you examine the spirit of others, make sure you keep yourself in check! #What is Your Fragrance? Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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