Daily Devotion for July 21, 2019
Even if you are a church leader, in ministry or a Christian without a “title”, you STILL can have rough days where YOU NEED A WORD FROM GOD. SHOOTS! Responsibilities or life itself can wear you down. And LAWD forbid when people go to you with ALL THEIR problems, but when you reach out to them, they’re NOWHERE TO BE FOUND or they act SURPRISED that YOU NEED HELP! Today! I SAID, “TODAY!” DO NOT GO TO CHURCH & POUR OUT TO EVERYBODY ELSE & OMIT YOURSELF! The SAME God that you pray to for others, wants YOU to come to the altar for YOUR NEEDS, YOUR PROBLEMS & FOR YOUR FAMILY! Remember, that SAME God that you believe will work it out for others, want to work it out FOR YOU! Give it to Him & let Him recharge YOU! BE REVIVED IN JESUS’ NAME.. AMEN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater