Daily Devotion for July 15, 2022
Grief is like that scar you get after a major surgery. Although it may had been years since the surgery, the scar still remains. Just when you think that you’ve adjusted to the new “normal, one bad hit to that spot or a change of the weather flairs that pain right back up or bring back the memories when you were hurt. Sometimes it’s hard for folks to relate, especially when they don’t acknowledge your pain. You “try to” take it minute by minute or second by second hoping you can get through the day pain free. Regardless if it’s the loss of a loved one, relationship, friendship, etc., grief is grief & God can help us to deal with whatever loss we’ve experienced. He wants us to come to Him whenever we need Him & however many times we need Him. God promised to carry us when we feel to weak to make it. Know that God is the God of ALL Comfort & He cares about you as well as your hurt. Remember, God CARES about your SCARS! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater