Daily Devotion for July 1, 2019
Somebody NEEDS to hear THIS from a Man!
Women make babies NOT men! Save your parenting for the baby you birthed, not the “babe” you dating & let that boy you’re messing with be raised by his OWN PARENTS! As long as you keep doing for him & making excuses for him, he’ll stay with you until he gets where he wants to be, then he’ll look for a woman who will hold him responsible & won’t put up with the foolishness you ALLOWED him to do with you. LISTEN! Stop wasting your time with somebody that ain’t made for you & wait on God for the RIGHT MAN for you! No longer settle for less than what God has to offer! Remember, if you’re a “Stand by your man” woman to the wrong guy, you’ll eventually be standing BY YOURSELF! Be a REAL woman that will please God & that will attract the MAN God is sending you! #TRUTH SYRUP! Take it as NEEDED! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater