Daily Devotion for February 6, 2021

If you’re running from what God is telling you, then why? If you’re running FROM God, you’re actually running TO satan’s (or your own) plan! Think about it, how many times have you did something, realized it was a mistake, then ask God to get you out of it? Well, now God had given you His plans for you but you want to avoid Him? Nooo! Stop making the same decision by having God as your last priority & put Him 1st in your life. Life is too short to make the same mistakes that you may not recuperate from. There is so much more for you in life if you do things His way. Run to the One who knows you best & loves you the most… Your Heavenly Father! #Matthew 6:33 Seek 1st, the Kingdom of God & His Righteousness then ALL these things seek look for you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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