Daily Devotion for December 19, 2019

The issue you don’t give to God could be the locked door that prevents your blesses from coming to you. The devil will send conflict or hurt to come to you before your blessings come. It’s meant to be a distraction! See, your RESPONSE to that conflict or hurt will determine if you receive your blessings or not. See, you could look beyond that problem (or person) & let God deal with it or you could let that problem or person distract your focus, ruin your day, your peace or your path. Let God have access to you by opening up to Him! Release every hurt, anger or unforgiveness that you maybe holding on to. In other words, what you’re holding on to AIN’T WORTH what God is holding on for you! #When You Release, Your Blessings Can Be Unleashed! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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