Daily Devotion for April 7, 2021

Somebody needs to hear this now!
Your biggest enemy is YOURSELF! Sometimes you find yourself talking yourself out of doing things, but you’re always complaining about you want things to change in your life. The fear of failure be in the back of your mind, while the fear of success makes you question if you could stay successful if you did it. Know that those are the tricks of satan. He gonna play those mind games with you to make you talk yourself out of God’s plans for you. That dirty devil is gonna remind you of all your past mistakes to convince you that you ain’t qualified or good enough to do or have what God has for you. Know that God did NOT put what’s on your heart for nothing. He wants you to tune out all that negativity, listen to Him & GO FOR IT! You know you won’t be able to rest until you start it. You’re gonna realize that it’s easier than you thought. Don’t worry about if you don’t get an immediate reaction from folks, you just keep on going. Know that you can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU! Remember, God gave it to you to finish it, not be intimidated by it. #Tell Yourself You Can Do It! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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