Daily Devotion for May 15, 2024

Somebody needs to hear this!
At work, you have to sign out on keys, radios, access cards, etc. for you to have them in your possession. So, if the supervisors take inventory, they know who’s responsible & accountable for the items that were taken. In your life, there are folks who had entered into your life (for a variety of reasons). My question is… Are you requiring folks to sign in upon entry? See, not everybody is qualified to handle what comes from you. Some want to take to misuse you or take from you so you won’t have it. No matter if they are friends or family, there’s a level of respect & trust that MUST be met to gain access to your heart & trust. That’s why you must allow Jesus to be at the front desk to determine who’s qualified for entry & who ain’t. Remember, if their name ain’t written with His Seal, you give them no deal. #Every applicant ain’t qualified for what you have to offer! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

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