Daily Devotion for May 2, 2024
No matter what anyone says, think or who put you down, never put or keep yourself down. Inspite of what you’ve been through, speak life to that person in your mirror. Know that God gave you great purpose, identity, value & worth that no one could take from you. Tell yourself what God says about you & let that define you & your purpose. Remember, your past doesn’t define you, so let your past refine you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for May 1, 2024
Sometimes, God will tell you to shut up so you won’t sabotage your blessings or your peace. See, one of the tools satan will use to distract you is to argue over matters that doesn’t matter. Once you open your mouth & go toe to toe with someone, you’ll find yourself getting stressed, using your time & energy on the argument instead of your purpose. Don’t take the bait of an argument. Instead of getting caught with the net of negativity, stay in the sea of Serenity. Remember, a fish with a closed mouth can’t get a hook in its mouth. #Be a cool fish & enjoy your peace! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater