Month: August 2022

Daily Devotion for August 9, 2022

There’s a blessing in your pressing! The process may be hard but the reward will be worth it. Your pressing is when you give God your all, but your blessing is when God gives you His all! God will compensate you because you did what He told you to do inspite of everything you went through. Keep your head up & know that in your hard time, you’re one moment closer to your harvest time.
Disclaimer! Only handle the assignment God gave you instead of you picking up someone else’s. Remember, if it ain’t your assignment, it ain’t your reward! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 7, 2022

There’s no hurt that God can’t heal. There’s no tear that God can’t wipe. There’s no burden that God can’t lift. No longer allow yourself to go through things alone when God is the only One who could fix it! Remember, you don’t have to wait for God when He’s waiting on you to allow Him to do it! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 5, 2022

Remember that old man in the country who didn’t say a lot? It seemed like the nicest person in the world. He would just sit on the porch, waved, smiled, or be somewhere working around the house. Even when his wife fussed or some other stressful situation, it seemed like that same situation never bothered him. That old country man had more patience than Job & Abraham combined. But when he did say something or had to speak out against something, his words & actions had more weight. Folks knew what he said was important & they respected him enough to listen to what he had to say. He knew what to say, how to say it, when to say it & who to say it to. Everything he did was always well thought through. Us folks of today need to take a page out of that country men’s playbook & utilize that same principle. They had much wisdom in their words & didn’t mind sharing with them youngings (if they wanted it). Even during hard times, they didn’t have much, but they still had joy & showed how to really trust God. We are now their descendants! As much as we have today, we don’t display anything close to what they had. Let’s start today by giving thanks to God for who He is & where He brought us from & watch our stress level lower & our problems won’t affect us as it is now. If that old country man was still here today & had what we have, how do you think he would respond? #He’ll say, “Praise tha Lawd!” Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 4, 2022

Having the Spirit of Discernment is like having a refrigerator with a see-thru door. You won’t have to open it to see what’s inside. Also, it will help you to keep the door open to prevent big mama from yelling at you to “Close that refrigerator door!” or her throwing her shoe at the back of your head. Know that God wants you to know about things BEFORE you get involved. Ask Him to raise your spiritual sight to see the source, ingredients or motive of whatever (or whomever) you may be dealing with. If things don’t feel well in your spirit, don’t ignore it. God is telling you something for your own good. Know that sight can only be seen within proper light. So, stay in the Light of God & His environment. Remember, obedience to God strengthens your spiritual vision to see clearly, but disobedience (or ignoring what God reveals) will keep you in the dark. #Don’t allow bad choices to hit you at the back of your head AGAIN! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 3, 2022

God will not only give you victory for your storms, but He’ll give you victory & peace IN your storms. What you’d faced will NOT drive you crazy. God will guard your heart & mind through this situation. Hold on to what God told you as He holds you up! Remember, God will help you to dealing with this instead of this dealing with you! #What the devil meant for evil, God will turn this for your good! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater