Month: September 2022

Daily Devotion for September 30, 2022

There’s no hurt that God can’t heal! Inspite of how it happened or how long it’s been, God won’t refuse coming to your aid. Stop trying to carry what God told you to give to Him. Remember, the sooner you give it to Him, the sooner you’ll have healing, joy & peace. #Don’t block your own healing! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 29, 2022

As I was driving to work this morning, there was a lot of traffic on the highway. I got on the service, but noticed that it was backed up also. Because I was familiar with the area, I took a hidden side street that led me to the new street that was right beside my destination. I made it to work 15 minutes faster than me taking my normal route with no traffic. In life, you may face unexpected problems, situations or stress, but God may have allowed it to reveal a new route to your destination. See, it’s easy for us to become so dependent upon our routines that we become comfortable & miss when God is giving us an update to our path or blessings. Don’t look at what you’re dealing with as an obstacle, look at it as an opportunity for God to open up a new path specifically for you. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 28, 2022

To the Single folks!
Making love will not produce the love you are trying to receive from them. Don’t settle just to have somebody, but you’re still feeling empty inside. God has so much more for you if you see your true worth. When God gives you someone as a mate, His fingerprints (approval) will be all over them. There will be no confusion or drama attached to the relationship God has intended for you. Evaluate the potential relationship you’re in now. Does it honor God? Do they have good character & moral? Do they honor & respect you & your boundaries? Are they drawing you closer to God or pulling you away from Him? Can you truly trust them or are you trying to ignore the red flags? Remember, God won’t give you who’s from His heart, while you’re still holding on to who satan sent in your hands! #Trust God for Real Love… He has it for you! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 27, 2022

Somebody needs to hear this!
God wants you to come to Him, inspite of your past or current failures. You may had been told that you’re good for nothing or God will never save or use someone like you. Wellll (clearing my sarcastic throat), they ain’t God! God sent His Son (Jesus Christ) for the opportunity for ANYONE to be saved, AND delivered from the influence of sins, addictions, hurts, negativities, etc. Know that everyone have had, does have or will have something that they are dealing with. But we don’t have to deal with it alone. Inspite of it, God wants a PERSONAL relationship with Y.O.U.! That should let you understand how much God loves you & how much you are (& have always been) on His heart. Don’t wait to get the approval of others when God told you to COME. Remember, Salvation is an individual thing, not corporate. #When the devil bring up your past, you bring up his future! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for September 23, 2022

Although God will not put more upon us than we’re able to bear, but we sure do know how to pick up more than we could handle. GEESH! Like a kid fixing his own place, his eyes are bigger than his stomach. Don’t place everything in your hands when you’re not associated with it. Remember (just like your blessings), God has your assignments with your name on it. Stop claiming items, problems or responsibilities that’s not yours. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater