If your physical injury doesn’t change your D.N.A., your emotional injury doesn’t change your spiritual D.N.A.! Don’t let satan make you think that God doesn’t love you or your not His child because of what you’re going through. You are not define by your circumstances. But inspite of it, your D.N.A. will remind you that your Heavenly Father is a Healer & a Deliverer. Know your birthright as a Child of God & stand on it. Remember, nothing can separate you from Daddy’s love nor you being His Child! Be blessed! #Daddy’s coming to the rescue! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 9, 2021
There’s no hurt than God can’t heal, no place that God can’t find you & no issue that God can’t deliver you from. The problem you’re facing maybe be too much for you, but it ain’t too much for God. Let Him handle it by you handing it over to Him. Remember, if God said it, He will do it, so since He said it, let He do it! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Night time Devotions for August 8, 2021
Thanks everyone for everything! This is the ending of the old but waking up to a new day, a new beginning & the new normal! #Taking it one day at a time! Be blessed & goodnight! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 8, 2021
Not only does God answers prayers but God hears them. When you think that noone is listen to you, remember God is! #You’re more valuable to God than you think! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 7, 2021
Let nothing or noone interfere with your worship to God. Your worship will keep you (mentally, emotionally & spiritually) stable & remind you that God is ABLE! Don’t get distracted by what (or who) satan wants to use as bait to get your off track. Remember, who you are & who’s you are & you’ll realize God has more for you than what (or who) satan wants to offer you. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 6, 2021
If you have to get out of bed to be with your best friend, then you married the wrong person! Single folks! Stop trying to make someone who doesn’t like you love you & wait for the one God has for you! Remember, the blessings of God maketh rich & added no sorrow or drama! #Wait for your blessing instead of rushing to your curse! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 5, 2021
In times of storms, God sends a beautiful rainbow to bring comfort! Thank you all for being my beautiful rainbow that everything’s gonna be alright! I love you all dearly. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 4, 2021
Regardless of your upbringing or personal experiences, allow God to heal you & teach you so your children won’t experience the generational curses within your family. No matter if it’s divorce, poverty, unhealthy relationships, abuse, etc, fight for your family’s lineage. Cancel satan’s plans & proclaim that it will end with you, in Jesus’ Name…AMEN! #You are the difference maker in your family! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater