As a homeowner, the most important day to remember is…. TRASH DAY! On TRASH DAY, the trash collectors come once a week to your location to remove whatever you set out for them to take. If you miss that day, you’ll have to wait until the next week. Even if you don’t have anything to put out on that day, it is still their duty to go their normal routes to see if you have trash for them to pick up. In others words, to get rid of your trash, you have no excuse. If you have a trash collector one day a week to remove your physical trash, imagine The One who’s available 24/7 to rid all your emotional trash or spiritual concerns? Why hold on to trash when it’s weighing you down or holding up space blocking what God has for you? Regardless if your trash is bulk, recycled, shredded or archived, give it to God & let Him take it over! #God is available to pick up what you put down! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater