Month: July 2021

Daily Devotion for July 6, 2021

This morning, I opened my front door & saw a huge dog in my view. Well, since it was walking away from my house, I kept walking to my trash can. After I dumped the trash, I turned around & saw 2 bigger dogs right by my car. When I saw them, I noticed that they were staring right at me. I was determined to get into my car, so I could go to work. As I got closer to my car, I noticed that one of the dogs had a dog harness on it. I made it inside my car & God begin to give me revelation. When I 1st stepped outside, the 1st dog was a distraction to confuse me. When I saw my car (my goal), the 2 dogs that were right by my car, were designed to intimidate me, cause fear & panic to change my mind about get into my car. But the harness on one of the dogs was to show me that if I tamed that one, the other l will control too, if I remind myself of who I am. In life, when you decide to go out to pursue the purpose God has for you, satan will bring distraction to throw you off. And when you see your goals, there will be more conflict, problems, etc to make you think that it ain’t worth it. That’s when you have to remember who you are & who’s you are. Always expect something or someone to be close to your goal to bring you discouragement or fear. Don’t give in to it! Remember, regardless of the presence of obstacles or enemies, goals were never created for you to walk away from. With the help of God, you too can get into your car & go to work! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 5, 2021

The devil will bring you artificial love to break your heart, so it could remove your hope for the real love you desire. Once the devil takes your hope, he’ll take your joy, your peace, then you’ll think that God never intended for you to be loved. That ain’t true. When God reveal “Red flags”, He’s telling you that He did NOT send that person & what they have is ARTIFICIAL! Stop trying to convert who ain’t for you, into someone who’s fit for you. God has the PERFECT blend fit just for you that has no artificial ingredients. No long deal with folks who robs you mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Seek God & let them send the one He has for you. Remember, the blessings of the Lord makes rich & adds no sorrow or drama. #If God didn’t prepare it, you don’t need to eat it! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 4, 2021

The Author of your faith NEVER had writer’s block concerning you. God knows everything about you & has your BEST interest in His heart. Read His Book & you’ll see who you REALLY are. So, on this Independence Day, be free from the opinions of other & accept the Facts of God! Remember, God’s Word defines you, folks’ words don’t! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 2, 2021

Somebody NEEDS to Hear This!
Have you ever dropped a cookie on the ground? If you don’t get it up immediately, somebody may step on it & it may attract insects which will create a bigger problem. Mistakes or Accidents were meant to be dealt with immediately. If untreated, the accident will look like it was on purpose. Don’t allow a puddle of water to become an ocean. Get out of your pride, pray & call that person & say, “You’re sorry!” #Tomorrow Ain’t Promised, but NOW Is!” Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for July 1, 2021

Denounce what folks try to announce over your life! Regardless of what was said about you, YOU have the choice to receive it or not! Stop taking every negative or hateful word that was said as the image that you should see yourself as. God already established your identity by creating you in His image, likeness, forgiveness of your sins & a new life. If you spend MORE time in His face & less time in the faces of folks who always tear you down, then you’ll see how valuable you really are! #I Am God’s Child, Not Theirs! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater