Month: February 2021

Daily Devotion for February 3, 2021

I know that things ain’t going the way you REALLY like & it’s ok to admit that you’re frustrated. You have to release that stress out. Actually, God wants you to get it out. There are folks who will tell you that you’re not supposed to complain, you’re ungrateful or try to make you feel guilty for saying how you feel. But there’s a difference between complaining versus expressing how you feel. Expressing is talking about a problem & asking God (or others) to help you with a solution, but complaining is talking about a problem, blaming others & expecting others to do it for you. Know that things won’t be like this always. As you keep pushing, we’re going to assist you with our prayers, encouraging words & actions. No longer think that you’re dealing with it by yourself. Remember, just because help ain’t here doesn’t mean help ain’t near! #We Got Your Back! #Hold On, Help is on the Way! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 2, 2021

When you mind your business, you can find your business. See, distractions were meant to make you miss your goal. So many people are looking for their purpose, but they’re easily influenced by their emotions that will make them “try to” fill a void in their life. That’s why satan will send folks to stop you from the assignment God told you to do. This is NOT the time to be playing, when you should be working. So stop looking at other folks’ lives looking at what they have, then think about what you don’t have then think that God forgot about you. Keep your hands busy with the task at hand. Remember, don’t let your mind interfere with your grind! #God will put it in your reach, not in your hand! #Stay Focused! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for February 1, 2021

Somebody needs to hear this now!
Self employment is always hiring! So, don’t worry about your job or career path! God already told you what to do, but fear is telling you what NOT to do. Why do you think you’re more irritated now? God is trying to get you out of your comfort zone, but you’ve been resisting. Today, I pray that God gives you the strength & assurance you need to obey Him in the purpose for your life. Let nothing separate you from the Love of God & your obedience to His plans for you! Remember, faith is a risk, but when God is telling you to go, the risk turns into REWARD! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater