Day: January 27, 2021

Daily Devotion for January 27, 2021

Somebody needs to hear this!

Don’t feel bad or guilty because the person you tried to help refuses to change! If you prayed for them, but they don’t change, does that mean that God failed? No! God will NOT make anybody change or do anything they don’t want to do. So, you have no reason to feel like a failure. In other words, you are NOT responsible for grown folks behavior. Think about this- The last 3 letters of the word grown are O.W.N. Grown folks are their OWN folks & they make their OWN decisions & have to deal with the consequences of their decisions. So, regardless if they’re your child, grandchild, mate or that friend you tried to help, put them in the hands of God & let Him deal with them. #STOP worrying about them & START living for you.Somebody needs to hear this!
Don’t feel bad or guilty because the person you tried to help refuses to change! If you prayed for them, but they don’t change, does that mean that God failed? No! God will NOT make anybody change or do anything they don’t want to do. So, you have no reason to feel like a failure. In other words, you are NOT responsible for grown folks behavior. Think about this- The last 3 letters of the word grown are O.W.N. Grown folks are their OWN folks & they make their OWN decisions & have to deal with the consequences of their decisions. So, regardless if they’re your child, grandchild, mate or that friend you tried to help, put them in the hands of God & let Him deal with them. #STOP worrying about them & START living for you. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater